If you can’t get an authorized vaccine

International students and faculty who cannot obtain a COVID-19 vaccine that has been approved or granted emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization are encouraged to plan ahead and schedule an appointment for a COVID vaccine upon arrival in the United States.

Some people may have already received a COVID-19 vaccine that is not currently authorized in the U.S. While data on the safety and efficacy of receiving an authorized vaccine after getting a non-authorized one are not available, in some circumstances people who completed or partially completed a vaccination series with a non-authorized vaccine may be offered revaccination with an FDA/WHO–authorized one.

The minimum interval between the last dose of a non–FDA/WHO-authorized vaccine and an FDA/WHO-authorized vaccine is 28 days.

Coming to campus

Students and faculty who have been unable to obtain an authorized vaccine in their home countries will still be allowed to come to campus, but they will be referred to a vaccine site to get vaccinated immediately.

Until they are fully vaccinated, they will be subject to the non-pharmaceutical interventions described in UC’s Appendix A: COVID-19 Prevention Strategies for unvaccinated individuals. Additional safety measures may be required, depending on the circumstances, by local health authorities.

In addition, UCLA will be holding an Immunization Requirement Fair at which COVID-19 vaccines, along with other immunizations, will be available for students who have been unable to secure authorized vaccinations. The fair will run from Sept. 20 to Oct. 1 at Collins Court in the John Wooden Center.

Recommended COVID-19 resources

For journalists

UCLA faculty members are available for interviews with news media on a wide range of topics related to COVID-19, including public health and epidemiology, virology and vaccines, mental health, education, law, politics and the economy.

UCLA COVID-19 experts UCLA COVID-19 news stories

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