UC’s COVID-19 vaccination policy
On July 15, 2021, the University of California issued a systemwide COVID-19 vaccination policy that requires all UC students, faculty, staff, academic appointees, postdoctoral researchers and trainees, as well as anyone accessing UC facilities or in-person UC programs, to be fully vaccinated prior to the fall term — with limited medical exemptions and accommodations based on disabilities or religious beliefs, as well as deferrals for those who are pregnant.
An individual is considered fully vaccinated when 14 days have passed since they received a single-dose vaccine or the second dose of a two-dose vaccine. This means that UCLA faculty, staff and students who will be living, working and learning on campus or other UCLA properties during the fall term will need to receive their final dose by:
- Thursday, Sept. 9
- Students on the semester system will need to be in compliance earlier — two weeks before their first day of instruction; faculty and staff in semester programs will need to be fully vaccinated two weeks prior to the earliest of their semester start dates.
For further details on the UC vaccination policy, exemptions and accommodations, and answers to frequently asked questions, please see:
Those who choose not to be immunized and who do not receive an approved exception (or a deferral based on pregnancy) will not meet UC’s health and safety condition for physical access to UC facilities or in-person attendance at UC programs or events and may be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal from employment.
Those with questions not covered in the above FAQs may send them to covid19@ucla.edu.
Vaccine Page