If you feel sick
If you are a student or employee who tests positive for COVID-19 through the UCLA campus testing program, you will be contacted by campus health officials about the next steps you should take.
However, if you are experiencing COVID-19–related symptoms, have tested positive outside of UCLA or believe you have been in contact with an infected person, either on or off campus, please follow the instructions below.
- Contact the Exposure Management Team through the UCLA Ashe COVID Hotline at 310-206-6217 or email the team at exposuremanagementteam@ashe.ucla.edu.
Students in on-campus and off-campus UCLA housing: If it is after hours, please call the UCLA Housing Isolation and Quarantine Team at 310-825-5451.
Note: During periods in which there is a high volume of inquiries, the wait time for calls to the Exposure Management Team may be longer than expected. - The Exposure Management team will provide students with an individualized assessment, including instructions on isolation, quarantine, contact tracing and further testing.
Faculty and staff
- Call the UCLA COVID Call Center at 310-267-3300 or email them at covidcallcenter@mednet.ucla.edu.
Note: During periods in which there is a high volume of inquiries, the wait time for calls to the Call Center may be longer than expected. - The Call Center will provide an individualized assessment, with an individualized assessment, including instructions on isolation, quarantine, contact tracing and further testing.
- If the COVID-19 incident was work-related and the individual was admitted to the hospital over night for in-patient treatment beyond observation, the employees’ manager or supervisor should contact the UCLA Environment, Health and Safety Serious Injury Hotline at 310-825-9797.