Town hall for students: Winter quarter

Student Affairs

January 20, 2022
time 5:00 pm


Thursday, Jan. 20, 5–6 p.m. PST

Following UCLA’s extension of remote instruction and a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, campus leaders will share updates on COVID-19 protocols for winter quarter related to vaccines, testing and student services. After the presentation, panelists will answer student questions submitted prior to the town hall.

Registration is now open. The town hall will also be livestreamed on YouTube and archived on the COVID-19 Resources site.  


Suzanne Seplow (moderator), assistant vice chancellor for student development and health, will be joined by other campus administrators.

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UCLA faculty members are available for interviews with news media on a wide range of topics related to COVID-19, including public health and epidemiology, virology and vaccines, mental health, education, law, politics and the economy.

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