Fall 2021 return to campus and field research activities
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities
Dear Bruin Community:
As faculty, staff, and students begin Fall Quarter instruction and research, I would like to express my appreciation to those of you who have already returned to on-site, fieldwork, and community-based research for your commitment to following the UCLA COVID-19 protocols established by the Response and Recovery Task Force.
While many of the restrictions for research activities, travel, field work, and community-based activities have been lifted, it remains critical that individuals reporting to campus continue to follow public health mitigations that remain in effect, including wearing face masks, completing the required symptom monitoring survey each day you will be on campus or other UC premises, verifying vaccination status, and participating in regular COVID-19 testing and community screening as detailed in the UCLA COVID-19 Community Screening Protocol (PDF). Guest lecturers, external parties, and other invited guests who participate in UCLA research programs or activities are also required to adhere to relevant non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masking and symptom monitoring, and in some cases may be asked to present proof of vaccination or negative test if attending a large organized event on campus.
All new research and creative activities personnel starting in the Fall Quarter (faculty, staff, and students) should familiarize themselves with and follow the safety protocols in a laboratory, studio, library, or performance space. Contact EH&S Field Research Safety regarding safety protocols for field and community-based research; contact your department for safety protocols in performance spaces.
COVID-19 information and resources, including updates from campus leadership, are available on the UCLA COVID-19 website. More information about upcoming events will be available via BruinPost.
I look forward to what the coming year holds for us. Feel free to contact me with your questions at c19@research.ucla.edu.
Roger Wakimoto
Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities