If you have tested positive either on or off campus (including using an at-home test) or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and have been in contact with an infected person, isolate immediately and follow the instructions below.

(Managers and supervisors who are alerted by an employee or by a third-party vendor or invited guest of a positive test should direct those individuals to follow these instructions.)


  • The Exposure Management team will provide students with an individualized assessment, including instructions on isolation and further testing (if applicable) and will notify individuals identified as close contacts (as capacity allows).  
  • If you are a student in medicine, dentistry or nursing and are in clinical rotations, contact UCLA Occupational Health at 310-825-6771.

Faculty and staff

  • Complete this this questionnaire to report your results and contact the UCLA Occupational Health at 310-825-6771, Option 4.
  • Occupational Health will provide an individualized assessment, including instructions on isolation and further testing (if applicable), will notify individuals identified as close contacts (as capacity allows), and will give guidance on when it is safe to return to work. Employees should notify their supervisor of their return-to-work date.
  • If the COVID-19 incident was work-related and the individual was admitted to the hospital over night for in-patient treatment beyond observation, the employees’ manager or supervisor should call the UCLA Environment, Health and Safety Serious Injury Hotline at 310-825-9797 to ensure timely Cal/OSHA reporting.

Third-party vendors and invited guests on campus

  • If a UCLA affiliate has been informed by an invited third party that he or she has tested positive, the affiliate should contact the Exposure Management Team at 310-206-6217 or exposuremanagementteam@ashe.ucla.edu with information about the case.
  • The infected person should be directed contact their physician for advice and to notify their UCLA contact that they are not cleared for work or other activities on UCLA property.

For full details on case reporting, please see Standard Operating Procedure for Responding to COVID-19 Cases (PDF).

Recommended COVID-19 resources

For journalists

UCLA faculty members are available for interviews with news media on a wide range of topics related to COVID-19, including public health and epidemiology, virology and vaccines, mental health, education, law, politics and the economy.

UCLA COVID-19 experts UCLA COVID-19 news stories

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