Tuition and payment plan extension and course material fee suspension
To the Campus Community:
We are aware that the COVID-19 pandemic may be creating unforeseen financial challenges for our students and their families, and we are working diligently with our campus partners to address its effects on the Bruin community.
In an effort to help members of our community manage their finances during this turbulent time, UCLA has decided to make the following changes for spring quarter 2020:
BruinPay Plan enrollment. Students can continue to enroll in BruinPay Plan through Friday, April 10 at 5 p.m. PDT. Eligible students can enroll in BruinPay Plan to pay their term tuition and registration fees in monthly installments (three installments for quarter students). If you are eligible to enroll, you will see an active enrollment link on the BruinBill homepage under the My BruinPay Plan section. You will need a U.S. checking or savings account or a credit card to complete enrollment.
Spring term tuition. The deadline for online payment through BruinBill for spring quarter 2020 has been extended to April 10 at 5 p.m. PDT. Please note that no changes have been announced for the spring quarter 2020 UC systemwide and campus-based fee. If changes occur, they will be reflected on your BruinBill. More information can be found on the Registrar’s Office COVID-19 FAQ.
Spring quarter 2020 Course Materials Fees. In light of the campus’s plans to offer remote instruction for spring 2020, UCLA is suspending all undergraduate and graduate Course Materials Fees that are tied to specific courses. The list of courses that will not be charged Course Materials Fees for spring 2020 can be found on the Registrar’s Office website.
More information on available payment options will follow in the coming days. In the meantime, for questions related to the tuition or BruinPay Plan deadline extensions, please contact the Student Accounts Office via the MyUCLA Message Center or by calling (310) 825-9194 (dial option 7).
Thank you for your patience as we make decisions in this rapidly developing environment.
Gregg Goldman
Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer