UC announces COVID-19 vaccination policy
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Bruin Community:
The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) issued a universitywide policy today requiring all UC students, trainees, personnel and all others who work, live and/or learn in any UC locations or otherwise participate in person in university programs to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at least 14 days prior to the first day of instruction for the fall term. This is subject to certain medical exemptions and accommodations based on disability or religious belief, and deferrals are available for those who are pregnant. This means UCLA faculty, staff and students working, living and/or learning on UCLA property will need to be fully vaccinated by September 9. Students in semester programs with various start dates will need to be in compliance 14 days prior to the start of their respective first day of instruction. Faculty and staff associated with those schools will need to be in compliance 14 days prior to the earliest of the start dates. Adoption of this policy follows the announcement of a draft policy and community review process earlier this spring.
UCLA has implemented the following vaccination verification processes for students and employees:
UCLA students
- Enrolled UCLA students (including student employees) are able to submit their vaccination verifications — or to request exemptions — through the patient portal on the Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center website.
- Non-matriculated students (including participants in UCLA Extension, executive education programs and visiting students participating in educational programs on campus) will receive information on how to verify their vaccination status through their program departments in the coming weeks.
- Lab School and Geffen Academy students over the age of 12 will receive information from their schools on how to verify their vaccination status.
UCLA campus employees
- Staff, faculty and other non-student employees should use the UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring System to confirm vaccination status in one of several ways: (1) consent to check UCLA Health records and the state vaccination database for California residents, (2) upload a CDC vaccination card image or non-U.S. equivalent, or (3) upload their official medical record from a health care provider. Alternatively, employees may indicate their request for a medical, disability or religious exemption through this system. Employees and supervisors can also check their clearance status and that of their direct reports using the UCLA COVID-19 Clearance Portal (UCLA logon ID required), which also includes face mask requirements for each employee.
- This information does not apply to UCLA Health employees; additional communication will be provided by UCLA Health in the coming week.
Visitors to UCLA
- UCOP’s vaccine policy and associated requirements do not extend to campus visitors and third-party contract workers. Per Los Angeles County Department of Public Health recommendations, visitors coming to UCLA who are unvaccinated must wear a mask while in campus buildings.
With new variants becoming even more contagious, policy enforcement measures for the vaccination requirement will be in place this fall to support campus safety. Those with approved exemptions or accommodations will be required to wear a mask while in campus buildings and participate in routine COVID-19 testing.
UCLA is committed to supporting the effort to vaccinate our community. Faculty and staff can schedule vaccination appointments through the Occupational Health Services website or by calling 310-825-6771. The Ashe Center will provide vaccines to students who need them beginning in early August. UCLA Health continues to offer vaccination appointments to their patients through myUCLAHealth, and community members can also book an appointment through California’s My Turn or through a vaccine provider. Those outside of California should check with their local health departments about appointments, and we encourage international students to get vaccinated with a World Health Organization-approved vaccine through the systems in place in their countries.
For questions about this policy, please review the FAQ for employees (PDF) and FAQ for students (PDF) on the UCOP site, or write to covid19@ucla.edu. Thank you for doing your part to preserve the well-being of Bruin faculty, staff, students and families and help bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, Response and Recovery Task Force
Michael Meranze
Immediate Past Chair
UCLA Academic SenateProfessor of History
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force