Updates to COVID-19 protocols
Infectious Diseases Management Team
What you need to know:
- COVID-19 Call Center phone number has been discontinued. Staff and faculty who test positive for COVID-19 must report it to UCLA Occupational Health
- COVID-19 PCR testing continuing through the California Department of Public Health
- Wastewater surveillance program will end June 30
- Updates to SOP for Responding to COVID-19 Cases and UCLA Isolation and Quarantine Protocol
- UCOP moving toward systemwide COVID-19 vaccination opt-out program
Dear Bruin Community:
As we enter a new phase in the pandemic response with the formal end to the federal, state and county COVID-19 public health emergency declarations, UCLA is modifying its COVID-19 protocols and certain programs and resources.
New phone number for COVID-19 employee inquiries
The COVID-19 Call Center phone number is being retired. Employees needing to report their positive COVID-19 test results will now call the UCLA Occupational Health main line at 310-825-6771. The previous number will have an automated message that will route callers to the new line.
Students will continue to contact the UCLA Ashe COVID Hotline at 310-206-6217 or exposuremanagementteam@ashe.ucla.edu.
Updates to our campus surveillance testing program
Starting June 22, 2023, UCLA will transition its PCR testing to a new multi-campus program made available by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) in partnership with the UCLA SwabSeq Laboratory.
What will change?
Under this new arrangement, UCLA will no longer have access to test results so it is important that students who test positive for COVID-19 contact the UCLA Ashe COVID Hotline at 310-206-6217 or exposuremanagementteam@ashe.ucla.edu, and faculty/staff report positive tests to Occupational Health at 310-825-6771. There are different policies related to data use and privacy, which will be specified in the consent form associated with the new program. While existing UCLA testing kits will work in the new system, the sample registration process will switch over to the new testing program on June 22.
In line with this transition, the campus will also be sunsetting its wastewater surveillance testing program, effective June 30.
The Bradley Hall testing center, La Kretz vending machine and all other existing distribution and test collection sites (not listed below) will be discontinued on June 21, 2023.
What will stay the same?
PCR tests will remain available to the UCLA community at no charge via Bruincard through vending machines at the following locations:
- Ackerman Union, south entrance, UCLA Bookstore
- Haines Hall, west entrance
- Pauley Pavilion, north side, adjacent to Bruin Walk
- Neuroscience Building, west entrance
Other UCLA COVID-19 protocol updates
SOP for Responding to COVID-19 Cases (PDF)
Our standard operating procedures for responding to COVID-19 cases have been revised to reflect the updated phone number for employee case reporting (310-825-6771), simplified reporting for students, and removal of disinfection procedures (which are no longer required by LACDPH).
UCLA Isolation and Quarantine Protocol (PDF)
Our isolation and quarantine protocol has been revised to reflect updated procedures for on-campus isolation spaces, a new definition of “up to date” for vaccinations, and additional guidance for students living off campus or on class travel.
Anticipated changes to the UC policy on vaccination programs – interim amendments
We are also anticipating changes to the systemwide UC Policy on Vaccination Programs – Interim Amendments, which is being transitioned to allow students and employees to either receive or affirmatively decline the COVID-19 vaccine. News of this policy change was shared in a statement issued May 28, and the new vaccination opt-out policy will be circulated by UCOP for public review shortly. In the meantime, those with questions or concerns related to this policy change are asked to send an email to vaccinepolicycomments@ucop.edu.
While it is encouraging to see the continuing decline in COVID-19 cases, it is critical for all Bruins to remain vigilant by monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19, opting to wear a mask indoors (see LACDPH Mask Guidance (PDF)), and testing accordingly. As a reminder, masks remain available to the community free of cost through the UCLA Emergency PPE Supply Store, the John Wooden Center, residence hall front desks, and in Ackerman Union at the A-level information window (next to the post office).
Thank you for continuing to do your part to reduce exposures and maintain a healthy campus.
Tim Groeling
Professor, Department of Communication
Co-chair, Infectious Diseases Management Team
Michelle A. Sityar
Chief of Staff, Administration
Co-chair, Infectious Diseases Management Team