Comment period on interim amendments to UC policy on vaccination programs open through Dec. 1
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
What you need to know:
- Wearing an upgraded mask is still highly recommended while indoors with others
- Free upgraded masks are still available for students, faculty and staff community feedback is due Dec. 1
Dear Bruin Community:
On August 30, 2022, the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) issued interim amendments to the Policy on Vaccination Programs, which took effect Sept 1, 2022. At this time, UCOP invites the UC community to comment on these proposed interim amendments (PDF) to finalize this policy.
This policy has been renamed “Policy on Vaccination Programs” and primarily consolidates the University’s existing systemwide vaccination requirements (other than the Student Immunization Policy) into a single document.
Proposed revisions include:
- The COVID-19 Vaccination Program Attachment incorporates language from the July 15, 2021 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program policy. This is primarily a reorganization and simplification of existing policy language and is not intended to institute substantive changes in policy regarding existing COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
- In alignment with CDC guidance, the deadlines for completion of the primary COVID-19 vaccination series have been extended to allow for a longer interval period between doses.
- Locations are encouraged to evaluate COVID-19 Vaccination Program participation, but Healthcare Locations are not required to do so.
- The COVID-19 Vaccination Program corrective action/discipline language for policy-covered academic appointees has been clarified.
- The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program incorporates language from the President’s past flu vaccine Executive Orders. The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program is an Opt-Out program, which means Covered Individuals may decline vaccination after receiving vaccine education. (NOTE: For UCLA, the annual influenza vaccine deadline is currently Nov. 1 for faculty and staff and Oct. 1 for students). The first compliance date for a new employee depends on when their first date of employment is in relation to the flu season.
- The language has been updated throughout consistent with current public health usage.
- The following groups are Covered Non-Affiliates instead of Covered Individuals: “K-12 students and children enrolled in daycare programs and camps sponsored by the University or operated at a University Facility or Location; as well as individuals enrolled in UC extension programs, continuing education, lifelong learning, seminars, workshops, and other non-degree-granting educational programs.” For clarity, individuals enrolled in professional development and recreational programs not affiliated with campus core programs are also included in the definition of “Covered Non-Affiliates.” This provides Locations with flexibility on local program implementation as Locations define the requirements for Covered Non-Affiliates.
We encourage you to read the proposed revisions to the UC Policy on Vaccination Programs (PDF) and provide comments.
Comments and questions regarding the policy can be made at this feedback survey link.
Comments are due by Dec. 1, 2022.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
John C. Mazziotta
Vice Chancellor, UCLA Health Sciences
CEO, UCLA Health