Our gratitude to UCLA staff

To Our Staff:

As we all work to adapt to the new realities of these trying times, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for the deep and abiding commitment of UCLA’s staff. We know that the outsized impact of UCLA is only possible because of your dedication, hard work, and partnership. Particularly during these times of great stress and uncertainty, we want to thank you for your exceptional efforts to support our Bruin community.

We have asked leadership all across UCLA to be flexible and considerate of our staff as you work to adapt to our rapidly changing environment. We know that many staff members will need flexibility, particularly those caring for dependents at home or facing other significant challenges related to the current crisis. We understand that we must be flexible and alter our expectations of what can be accomplished in this uncertain era.

We recognize the enormous challenges being asked of all staff to ensure the continuity of campus operations and the more complicated support of our faculty and students in the weeks and months ahead. We are grateful for the commitment of both the staff serving on campus and those now supporting our mission remotely. We want you to know how much we appreciate your hard work and devotion to UCLA.

Please remember that your community has resources that we hope make this time easier. Colleagues at the Staff and Faculty Counseling Center are available to provide support during this challenging time. We have created a comprehensive set of FAQs to try to answer questions you might have, and any additional questions can be emailed to covid19@ucla.edu.

For our part, we are working hard to remain as responsive as possible and addressing issues that arise. We are grateful for all of your flexibility, ingenuity, understanding, and perseverance, as you work in this new reality and solve problems within your unit. We are deeply appreciative of all that you do for each other and for our community.

All of you are foundational to making this campus the exceptional, world-class research institution that it is.


Emily A. Carter
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Michael Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor

Michael S. Levine
Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel

Michael Meranze
Chair, UCLA Academic Senate

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For journalists

UCLA faculty members are available for interviews with news media on a wide range of topics related to COVID-19, including public health and epidemiology, virology and vaccines, mental health, education, law, politics and the economy.

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