Remote work furniture guidelines
Office of the Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
Dear Managers and Supervisors:
Thank you for your patience as we continue to define the processes and policies for remote work in this new environment.
As mentioned in the fall planning for campus return memo sent on July 2, departments should begin to evaluate the furniture and equipment needs of their employees who are working remotely three or more days a week and will continue to do so for at least the next year.
Accommodating your and your employees’ working environments be they remote or in the office, is a top priority. To better accommodate remote work, we are pleased to announce a program to order furniture for your and your employees’ remote spaces. Please share this information with eligible employees within your department.
Employees who meet the eligibility criteria for working remotely will be able to select a chair and a height-adjustable desk in various color options. Tax, shipping and installation will be included. In order to qualify for this allowance, employees must sign a FlexWork Agreement, with the department’s approval, stating that they will be working remotely three or more days per week for at least one year.
Once the agreement is approved by the department, if the option to purchase furniture for remote work is selected, the employee’s email address will be provided to Steelcase, our approved furniture vendor. Approved employees will receive an email with additional instructions on how to access the designated furniture website and complete the purchasing process. The FlexWork Agreement approval process is being administered via DocuSign. If you do not have access to DocuSign, please contact docusign@ucla.edu.
The university will be reimbursing up to $1,400 for employees who meet the qualifications above and purchased ergonomic office chairs and desks for their remote workstations between March 20, 2020, and June 30, 2021. All furniture purchased must meet Insurance & Risk Management’s ergonomic guidelines in order to qualify for reimbursement.
The cost of the furniture purchase, via the approved FlexWork Agreement noted above, will be funded centrally. The purchase of any additional or different Steelcase furniture for eligible employees will need to be paid for by the employee and is not reimbursable.
This program does not include technology purchases (i.e. computers, monitors, etc.). All technology purchases should be made via BruinBuy.
Furniture provided by UCLA remains the property of the university and must be returned to UCLA upon separation from the university.
Please remember to continue to review and update your ramp-up plans and forms accordingly. Thank you for your continued efforts to resume campus operations.
Allison Baird-James
Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Finance Solutions
Gregg Goldman
Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer