Self-quarantining at home
As you may have seen on my Twitter account a short time ago, I wanted to let you know that I am self-quarantining at home for the next 14 days after learning this morning that I came in contact with an individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19. While I am currently asymptomatic and continuing my duties running the campus from home, I felt it was important to keep the UCLA community aware and informed. I will continue to keep you updated.
As testing for COVID-19 in the United States becomes more widely available, we will see local health centers administer more tests. As a result, we should prepare ourselves to expect the number of self-quarantine cases, like mine, and confirmed cases to increase in the weeks and months ahead — not only across the nation, but also at UCLA. I know there are many of you who are or will be in similar situations. Please know that the entire Bruin community supports you.
I know these are uncertain times and many things are changing. Please know that all of our actions are aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19 to keep one another safe. Please continue to check UCLA’s COVID-19 website and Bruins Safe Online regularly for updates.
We must always commit to preparation rather than panic. We must also look out for one another, even while we are asked to be apart. Please remember throughout the weeks and months ahead that you are all part of a community that cares about you and remains dedicated to your health and well-being.
Gene D. Block