UCLA Library to resume onsite services at most locations Sept. 13
Norman and Armena Powell University Librarian Virginia Steel
Dear Bruin Community:
As UCLA prepares for in-person learning this fall, UCLA Library is planning to resume onsite services at most Library locations on Monday, Sept. 13, 2021. With the return to campus, UCLA Library will steadily ramp up normal operations for the start of the fall quarter. This renewed focus on onsite services will result in the deactivation of most temporary services developed to support remote research and learning during the pandemic.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with UCLA Library service updates and Library hours, below. We look forward to welcoming students, staff and faculty back to UCLA Library and seeing you all on campus.
- Ends Sept. 13: HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS)
The HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) will be deactivated on Sept. 13 at 5:30 a.m. PDT (8:30 a.m. EDT) and access to physical Library holdings will be restored. With most Library locations set to resume onsite services in September, UCLA is no longer eligible for ETAS, which has provided remote access to a portion of UCLA Library’s in-copyright print holdings made inaccessible by the pandemic. Beginning Sept. 13, you may check out materials from the UCLA Library’s physical collections and continue to use HathiTrust to access public domain and Creative Commons licensed volumes. (Please note: Restoring ETAS would require a return to emergency conditions, including the closure of all UCLA Library stacks.)
- Ends Sept. 10: Temporary Remote Services – PETDOR and Page and Pickup
The Library’s Pilot Emergency Temporary Digitization on Request (PETDOR) and PETDOR + Mail services as well as Page and Pickup will conclude on Friday, Sept 10. PETDOR was designed to provide urgent research materials for UCLA graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty and researchers of articles and book chapters held in print collections in UCLA libraries that were unavailable online during the pandemic. PETDOR + Mail sent UCLA Library circulating materials to U.S. addresses.
- Ends Sept. 10: Seat Reservations for Study Spaces
The Charles E. Young Research Library and the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library will end seat reservation requirements for study spaces on Sept. 10.
- Available Now: Remote Research Help
Library staff are available to consult with you at every stage of the research process. We invite you to schedule research consultations on the UCLA Library website.
- Available Now: Remote and In-Person Instructional Support
Library staff are available to meet with classes or consult with instructors. To request library instruction, submit an instruction request or email RequestInstruction@library.ucla.edu.
- Doors Open Sept. 13: UCLA Library Locations (Click on Individual Links for Hours of Operation)
The following libraries, centers and service points will resume onsite services on Sept. 13 to valid BruinCard holders only. UCLA Library is closed to the general public. All UCLA COVID-19 protocols are in effect, including vaccination and mask protocols. Following procedures is required for use of Library facilities. Please visit our FAQ page for more information and for updates to Library protocols.
Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library
* Graduate Reading Room (opens 9/23; 24/7 access for graduate students in health and life sciences)
* Technology & Learning Center (opens 9/23; limited bookings)
Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library (second floor, Charles E. Young Research Library)
Eugene and Maxine Rosenfeld Management Library
Music Library
Powell Library, including:
* Lux Lab
* Group Study Spaces
* CLICC Laptop Lending Desk (opens 9/23)
* CLICC First Floor Lab (opens 9/23; limited capacity)
* Research and Writing Help (opens 9/27)
Charles E. Young Research Library, including:
* Data Science Center
* Lux Lab
* Research Commons (pods, group study spaces)
* Scholarly Innovation Lab
* Faculty carrels
* CLICC Laptop Lending Desk (opens 9/23)
* Library Special Collections (open for remote reference only; please email LSC staff at AskUs@library.ucla.edu to initiate a reference interview.)
Science and Engineering Library
Southern Regional Library Facility
- Locations Closed Due to Construction
Arts Library, located in the Luskin School of Public Affairs building, will be undergoing seismic upgrades and as a result, the Arts Library is closed to patrons through the winter quarter. Collections will be available to UCLA patrons via Page and Pickup. Arts Reserves materials will be housed in Powell Library. Please contact us at AskUs@library.ucla.edu with questions. Updates will be posted to the Arts Library webpage.
Library Special Collections, located in the Charles E. Young Research Library, is temporarily closed to the public to accommodate critical infrastructure work in a number of service and collection storage areas. LSC staff are providing remote reference assistance and facilitating remote access to researchers and instructors through the new LSC eDelivery service. To initiate a reference interview, please email LSC staff at AskUs@library.ucla.edu. To request remote instruction support using Library Special Collections materials, submit an instruction request or email speccoll-instruction@library.ucla.edu. For more information, please see our FAQ page. - Affiliate Libraries
An “affiliate” unit is a library or study center that is not under the direct administration of the UCLA Library. Some of these units reside on campus, but a few of them are in other locations. Affiliate libraries establish their own policies, including hours of operation. - Event Spaces and Café 451
We expect event, conference and meeting spaces to be closed until later in the fall quarter. Café 451 is expected to remain closed while food and drink (with the exception of water) is not permitted in the Library.
For more information about the Library’s procedures and policies, I invite you to take a look at our FAQ page, which will be regularly updated. You may also send us an email at AskUs@library.ucla.edu. Wishing you a safe and productive fall quarter.
Best regards,
Virginia Steel
UCLA Norman and Armena Powell University Librarian