Faculty and staff town hall: Well-being during the pandemic
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Colleagues:
The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force will host an important virtual Well-Being Town Hall presented by the Semel Healthy Campus Initiative, Staff Assembly and the Wellness and Work Expectations Work Group on Thursday, September 9 from 12 – 1 p.m. PDT. As we continue to cope with the presence of COVID-19 and the corresponding concerns about your safety and that of your family — especially as we transition this fall to more people working and learning on campus — we want to share information, address questions, and provide resources that relate to the personal well-being of staff, student employees and faculty. Topics at this town hall will include the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, emotional challenges and strategies related to those who will be returning to work or learn on campus, as well as those who have already been working on campus and in the health system. We will also explore concerns for those with school-aged children, as well as how to enhance quality of sleep, strategies for emotional well-being, and ways to build a safer, inclusive and respectful sense of community in the workplace.
The event will include presentations followed by a Q&A session with:
- Peter Katona, Chair of Infection Control Working Group, Clinical Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Adjunct Professor of Public Health (Epidemiology)
- Nava Yeganeh, Medical Epidemiologist – Infectious Diseases, Acute Communicable Disease Control Program, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
- Brenda Bursch, Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences and Pediatrics
- Alon Avidan, Director – UCLA Sleep Disorders Center, Professor of Neurology
- Nicole Green, Executive Director – Student Mental Health Services
Register online and post questions for this important town hall. This event will also be livestreamed on YouTube. Questions may be submitted in advance through the registration page or directly by email to COVID-19@ucla.edu. Those participating via Zoom will also be able to pose questions during the town hall. A video recording of the town hall will be available for viewing after the event on the COVID-19 resources website. For a sneak preview of topics at the Town Hall check out the list of resources below.
We hope you can join us on September 9!
Please note, this town hall is focused on personal well-being and mental health. The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force will be hosting an upcoming webinar focusing on guidance associated with the return to on-site learning and working. Stay tuned for more information on that webinar.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Michael Meranze
Immediate Past Chair, UCLA Academic Senate
Professor of History
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Megan McEvoy
Chair, Undergraduate Council
Professor, Inst. for Society and Genetics, Dept. of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
Shane White
Chair, Academic Senate
Professor, School of Dentistry
Wendelin Slusser
Associate Vice Provost, Semel HCI Center at UCLA
Chair, Well-being and Work Expectations Work Group for the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Clinical Professor, Schools of Medicine and Public Health
Joy Kruger
President, Staff Assembly
Associate Director of Development, Physical Science
A deeper dive into the topics that will be covered at this Town Hall
Emotional well-being:
- “Managing Stress and Anxiety” with Dr. Nicole Green and Dr. Bob Bilder on the UCLA LiveWell Podcast
- “Supporting our Frontline Workers” with Dr. Brenda Bursch on the UCLA LiveWell Podcast
- Semel HCI Health Equity Seminar: Play and Health Equity featuring Dr. Nicole Green
- UCLA Connections – Processing Racial Trauma with Dr. Nicole Green and Dr. Tyrone Howard
Social well-being:
- “Social Engagement” with Dr. Ted Robles on the UCLA LiveWell Podcast
- “The Circuitry behind our Social World” with Dr. Ted Robles on the UCLA LiveWell Podcast
- “Resilience” with Dr. Chris Dunkel-Schetter on the UCLA LiveWell Podcast
COVID-19 safety:
- “Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic” with Dr. Peter Katona on the UCLA LiveWell Podcast
- COVID-19 Resources and Information for UCLA Students, Faculty and Staff
Sleeping well:
- UCLA SleepWell Resources
Brought to you by the Semel Healthy Campus Initiative Center
Faculty Health and safety RtC - Safety, Health and Well-Being Staff