Library welcomes Bruins back to designated campus spaces
UCLA Norman and Armena Powell University Librarian Virginia Steel
Dear Bruin Community,
The Library has begun to welcome Bruins back to spaces in two libraries. Students, faculty, and staff began reserving individual seats in the Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL) in March, and I am delighted to announce that the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library will begin accepting seat reservations on April 26. Library Special Collections, located in YRL, is also preparing to open the Ahmanson-Murphy Reading Room to Bruins for limited hours and research appointments beginning as soon as May 4.
Requirements for Building Entry
For the well-being of our Bruin community, all entrants to Library buildings are required to wear a proper face covering and will be asked to show their Bruincard, COVID-19 symptom monitoring clearance certificate, and seat reservation confirmation. To mitigate risk to everyone present, food and beverages are not permitted, with the exception of water in refillable bottles.
Access to the Stacks
While a reservation provides admittance to these spaces, please note that as long as remote learning continues, access to the stacks will remain closed as we prioritize preserving emergency access to digital materials via HathiTrust Digital Library to all Bruins – no matter their location. Materials in general UCLA collections not accessible through the HathiTrust Digital Library can continue to be requested via the Library’s Page-and-Pickup service and PETDOR+ Mail digitization and shipping service.
Reservations at Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library
Access to online seat reservations will begin on April 26 for the Biomedical Library. The building will subsequently open at reduced capacity on April 28 for UCLA students, faculty, and staff. Library hours are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Two four-hour time blocks are available for appointments each day, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Public areas will be sanitized daily between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and every morning before opening. Reservation information and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Library website.
Reservations at Charles E. Young Research Library
The Young Research Library is open at reduced capacity for UCLA students, faculty and staff. Library hours are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Two four-hour time blocks are available for appointments each day, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Public areas will be sanitized daily between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and every morning before opening. Seat reservations and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Library website.
Reservations for Research Appointments at Library Special Collections: Ahmanson-Murphy Reading Room
For Bruins interested in conducting research with Library Special Collections materials, the Ahmanson-Murphy Reading Room (located on A-Level in YRL) will open to researchers for limited seating and limited hours beginning May 4. Research visits will be by appointment only and limited to current UCLA students, staff, and faculty with valid Bruincards.
In order to ensure timely delivery of materials, paging requests must be made at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled research visit. To schedule a research visit, first make an appointment, then follow the instructions in your appointment confirmation and email your paging request to Library Special Collections staff at spec-coll@library.ucla.edu.
Thank you for your patience and support as we continue exploring the best ways to open library spaces in accordance with campus and public health guidelines. Should you have questions about reservations in any of these spaces, please visit our Library Reservations page for more information. I will continue to provide updates as plans progress; meanwhile, I invite you to explore the many remote Library services available to the Bruin community.
Wishing you all the best this quarter. As always, please stay safe and be well.
Virginia Steel
Norman and Armena Powell University Library