UCLA to reopen certain spaces at limited capacities, safety remains paramount
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Bruin Community:
Following up on our Feb. 24 message that addressed recent guidance by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (PDF) allowing for colleges and universities to resume certain activities on a limited basis with COVID-19 safety protocols in place, we are excited to share what these changes mean for the UCLA community.
At this time, we can share plans related to the limited reopening of the Charles E. Young Research Library, the Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library, specific campus outdoor study spaces, some recreation facilities, and some arts studio and practice spaces.
Please note that the new guidelines do not alter our current operations around reduced on-campus housing capacities and remote learning through the end of summer sessions.
Charles E. Young Research Library
The main floor and A-level of the Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL) will open on Monday, March 15 at reduced capacity. Reservations for a seat will be required and access to the building will be limited to UCLA students, faculty and staff. All entrants to the building will be required to wear a proper face covering and asked to show their Bruincard, COVID-19 symptom monitoring clearance certificate and seat reservation confirmation.
Starting Friday, March 12, seat reservations will be available through the Library website. This page also has answers to frequently asked questions about YRL access, including hours of operation and COVID-19 safety protocols.
To preserve equitable access to digital materials in the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service for all UCLA faculty, students and staff — regardless of their location — physical stacks in YRL will remain closed. Materials in general UCLA Library collections that are not accessible through the HathiTrust Digital Library can continue to be requested via the Page-and-Pickup service (Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.) and mail delivery.
Library services — including reference assistance, consultations and instruction — will continue to be provided remotely. Library Special Collections, located on the A-level of YRL, is expected to open early in spring quarter. Information regarding access to other Library locations will be announced as soon as possible.
Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library
The Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library is now open at 25% capacity for in-person individual law student study Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. The circulation desk will be open from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. to check out course reserve books. All circulating items will be disinfected. The library’s 13 conference rooms will also be available for individual — not group — participation in remote courses.
All entrants to the library will be required to wear proper face coverings and asked to show their Bruincard, COVID-19 symptom monitoring clearance certificate and seat reservation confirmation.
All seats must be reserved for a specific day and time in advance. Seats can be reserved for up to 6 hours per day (conference rooms up to 3 hours).
Given the capacity limitations, initial access to study space is limited to currently enrolled law students, and consideration of possible expansion will occur after assessing demand. The library’s general print collection will continue to be accessible to the UCLA community via the Page-and-Pickup service. Reference services will continue to be provided remotely.
Campus outdoor study areas
Students are now able to meet with faculty and TAs for small group discussions (not to exceed 10 people, including the instructor) outdoors on campus with prior approval. Proper face coverings must be worn and physical distancing must be practiced. Departments offering these opportunities will communicate directly with students in their programs.
Please view the campus map to see some of the outdoor spaces that may be requested (PDF), indicated in red. All departmental requests for outdoor space for small group use and for any assistance with arrangements should be made through the Events Office. Departments should send an email to state@events.ucla.edu for assistance.
The Events Office will also advise if the requested use requires additional approval from the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force Environment Health & Safety Campus Plan Review work group or other campus units or groups.
UCLA Recreation
Recreation is pleased to begin reopening facilities and programs to continue supporting the well-being of the UCLA community.
The amphitheater lawn and tennis courts at the Sunset Canyon Recreation Center will reopen on Tuesday, March 16 at reduced capacity, as described below. Reservations will be required and access to the facility will initially be limited to UCLA students, given the need to onboard staff and faculty to a new membership structure over the next few weeks. An appropriate face covering will be required at all times and entrants will be asked to scan their Bruin Card and show their COVID-19 symptom monitoring clearance certificate.
Sunset Canyon Recreation Center will be open with two-hour reservations for the amphitheater lawn from 12 – 6 p.m. and 50-minute reservations for the tennis courts. The Park Pool and Family Pool will remain closed at this time.
As a first step, all students, staff and faculty will need to complete the Return to Rec process prior to making a reservation. Recreation will provide information on the Return to Rec process, new membership plan and further facilities reopening this week. Remote programs will continue, including fitness and yoga, the teaching kitchen, youth programs and martial arts. For more information, please visit UCLA’s Recreation website.
In the weeks to come, Drake Stadium, the outdoor courtyard at the Kinross Recreation facility, the Park Pool, Family Pool and the Marina Aquatic Center will reopen for use by UCLA students, staff and faculty. In addition, popular activities like the Bruin Health Improvement Program (BHIP) will offer an in-person option. Please watch for these updates from UCLA Recreation.
Practice rooms for students in the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
Practice rooms are only available to UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music students for limited use. Practice room use will be determined on a case-by-case basis, with a focus on serving those students in need with no other alternative.
In this first phase, students who are local to Los Angeles and without a safe space to practice may make requests to their faculty members. Faculty should submit those requests to their chairs for ultimate approval by the dean.
Students will be required to wear a proper face covering and show their COVID-19 symptom monitoring clearance certificate to gain access to these facilities. Density within the school will be monitored and reevaluated further for a possible reopening of other student activities by mid-spring quarter.
Facilities for students in UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television (TFT)
The Department of Film, Television and Digital Media will provide coordinated access to animation, production, post-production and screening facilities for students for select class assignments and advanced thesis activities, in accordance with LACDPH physical distancing requirements, beginning spring quarter. The department will distribute information directly to students within TFT on how to reserve spaces.
The Department of Theater is now providing coordinated access to rehearsal rooms for individuals or small groups of up to four theater students who need to rehearse or practice, per LACDPH guidelines. Students must request the space using the rehearsal space request form through the TFT intranet.
In spring, the school will coordinate optional opportunities for students new to UCLA this year to visit stage and studio facilities and meet with graduate and undergraduate ambassadors in small groups outdoors.
Everyone will be required to wear a proper face covering and show their COVID-19 symptom monitoring clearance certificate to gain access to these facilities.
Spaces for students in the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture
The UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture is preparing to reopen academic studios, labs and practice rooms for graduate student access at on- and off-campus locations, in accordance with LACDPH guidelines. The school’s four academic departments will submit plans to campus over the next few weeks for approval. All approved activities will prioritize student, faculty and staff safety. Everyone will be required to complete departmental training, wear a proper face covering, complete routine COVID-19 testing and show their COVID-19 symptom monitoring clearance certificate to gain access to these facilities. Departments will communicate directly with students after their plans have been approved.
The facilities the school is planning to reopen include:
- The Margo Leavin Graduate Arts Studios and Broad Art Center for the MFA students in the Department of Art
- Graduate studios and labs at the Broad Art Center for the MFA students in the Department of Design Media Arts
- Practice rooms at Kaufman Hall for the MFA students in the Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance
- Perloff Hall for M.Arch graduate students in the Department of Architecture and Urban Design
We are heartened by these partial campus reopenings and look forward to announcing others, in line with county directives. We again strongly encourage all those in our community to continue following public health guidelines and, for those who are eligible, to schedule an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. UCLA Health is reaching out to specific prioritized groups each week. If you are able to book an earlier appointment through an alternate process, such as California’s My Turn, you are urged to do so.
As a reminder, you can find general information about the vaccines on UCLA Health’s COVID-19 vaccine information hub and visit UCLA’s COVID-19 resources website and BruinsSafe Online for updates about our campus response to the pandemic. If you have additional questions, concerns or thoughts about UCLA’s COVID-19 response, please write to COVID19@ucla.edu.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Michael Meranze
Immediate Past Chair, UCLA Academic Senate
Professor of History
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force