Monitoring our winter quarter return
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Bruin Community:
We hope you are well and adjusting to these first two remote weeks of winter quarter, as well as following the new COVID-19 testing protocols and vaccine booster requirement we communicated in late December.
While our plans to return to in-person instruction on Jan. 18 remain in place, we continue to closely monitor COVID-19 cases on campus as our community returns to UCLA from winter break. We are hopeful that our plans will not need to change, but we are prepared to modify them if it is in the best interest of the safety of faculty, staff and students. We will send out another communication next week to keep you informed. We understand that this may result in challenges as you make travel plans to return to campus and appreciate your flexibility as we finalize these decisions.
In the meantime, all students returning to campus should plan to participate in the robust COVID-19 testing program outlined in our December update, which will help keep the UCLA community healthier.
Please also remember that, per the UC systemwide vaccine policy (PDF), UCLA is requiring vaccine boosters for all who are eligible (as defined by the CDC). Proof of vaccine boosters is required by Jan. 18 for students and Jan. 31 for employees coming to campus. Students must upload proof of their vaccine booster through the Ashe Student Portal, and faculty and staff must provide proof through the UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring and Vaccination Verification System. Students may upload their booster proof now; the verification system for employees will be updated by Jan. 18 to allow faculty and staff to provide proof of their booster.
We also ask that you continue to follow campus health protocols, including the new testing requirements for those working, learning or living on UCLA property (excluding clinical settings), regardless of vaccination status. Per the latest LACDPH Health Officer Order (PDF), please wear a well-fitting medical grade mask, surgical mask or higher-level respirator, such as an N95 or KN95, at all times while indoors at the workplace and outdoors while among other people (more information about this requirement will be shared tomorrow). Remember to complete the UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring and Vaccination Verification System before arriving on or going out onto campus each day, regardless of your vaccination status.
Please note: Those who work in clinical settings (including dental and nursing clinics) must follow the COVID-19 protocols for healthcare settings. Those who work in non-clinical campus settings must comply with the relevant campus protocols.
Thank you once again for your understanding and shared commitment to keeping our Bruin community healthier.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Megan McEvoy
Professor, Institute for Society and Genetics,
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force