Reminder to provide required COVID-19 vaccination documentation
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear UCLA faculty and staff:
As was previously communicated in a campuswide message on July 15, the University of California’s COVID-19 vaccination policy requires all UCLA faculty, students and staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and submit proof of vaccination at least 14 days prior to the start of the fall term (or September 1 for all UCLA employees who work in our hospitals and clinics), with limited exceptions.
If you work, study or live on the UCLA campus or other university facilities and have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine, it is imperative that you schedule an appointment to be vaccinated immediately to be in compliance with UC policy. Note that some vaccinations require two doses that must be administered three to four weeks apart, so it is critical to begin the process now.
Once staff, faculty and other non-student employees complete their vaccination regimens, they should use the UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring System to confirm their vaccination status in one of the following ways:
- Provide consent to check UCLA Health records and the state vaccination database for California residents
- Upload a CDC vaccination card image or non-U.S. equivalent
- Upload an official medical record from a health care provider
For UCLA Health System employees who have not yet completed the vaccine verification process, please upload a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination proof, which will be reviewed by UCLA Occupational Health Services, or complete a request for medical or religious exemption.
For non-Health System employees, if you plan to request an exception to the vaccine requirement based on limited medical, disability or religious reasons, or seek a deferral during pregnancy, you may do so through the UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring System by no later than Sept. 9. You will be considered in compliance with the policy, pending processing of your exception request, if your request is received by this date. For those associated with programs on the semester system, you should have already been vaccinated or applied for an exception.
Employees and supervisors can also check their clearance status and that of their direct reports using the UCLA COVID-19 Clearance Portal (UCLA logon ID required). UCLA Health will soon be launching a clearance dashboard for managers to view the status of vaccination, exemptions and surveillance testing for their employees. Please stay tuned for more information if you are a UCLA Health System manager or employee.
UCLA is committed to supporting the effort to vaccinate our community. Faculty and staff who are not yet vaccinated can schedule appointments through the following channels:
- Employees can access resources on the Occupational Health Services website or by calling 310-825-6771
- UCLA Health continues to offer vaccination appointments to their patients through myUCLAHealth
- Community members can also book an appointment through California’s My Turn or through a vaccine provider
- Appointments can also be scheduled through your personal health care provider
As noted in the UCOP FAQ for employees (PDF) , those who choose not to be immunized and who do not receive an approved exception or a deferral based on pregnancy will not meet UC’s health and safety condition for physical access to UC facilities or in-person attendance at UC programs or events, and may be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal from employment. Those with questions not covered in the FAQ may send them by email to covid19@ucla.edu.
We are encouraged by the number of UCLA students, staff and faculty who have already demonstrated their commitment to ending the pandemic by following COVID-19 health and safety protocols and the UC vaccine policy. We also appreciate the dedication of all UCLA students, faculty and staff members who work, learn or live on campus and other UCLA properties for making UCLA’s mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing a priority and for promptly obtaining clearance from the daily symptom monitoring surveys before coming to campus.
We are excited to resume operations for the benefit of our entire Bruin community and appreciate your commitment to making our community safer for everyone.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Michael Meranze
Immediate Past Chair, UCLA Academic Senate
Professor of History
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force