Revised COVID-19 policies now in effect at UCLA
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Bruin Community:
Last week, the state of California moved to fully reopen in light of increased vaccination rates and reduced numbers of new and suspected cases of COVID-19 in our communities.
At the time, we shared a BruinPost message detailing updated guidance on testing, daily symptom monitoring and the use of face masks, and stated that we would be working to revise our policies accordingly.
The Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards for workplace settings have been revised and adopted, and are now more closely aligned with California Governor Gavin Newsom’s June 15 state reopening plans, including the lifting of certain restrictions for fully vaccinated persons.
Today, we are excited to announce that the following guidance now applies to the UCLA campus community:
Face masks and vaccination requirements
- Face masks are no longer required to be worn outdoors, with certain exceptions associated with new cases and outbreaks on the campus. Youth programs and day camps on UCLA’s campus may be subject to different protocols and practices and may require masks based on the unique setting or conditions.
- Fully vaccinated employees, including student employees, who have verified their vaccination status with UCLA may choose not to wear face masks while indoors on campus, but they will still be required to wear masks while riding public transit, when in pre-K-12 educational and child care facilities, at youth camps, or in the case of workplace COVID-19 outbreaks. Individuals who have already opted out of testing through vaccination verification will be sent an email with more information. Please note, face mask protocols for specific health care settings including UCLA hospitals and clinics, will be communicated separately in the coming days.
- Interim vaccination verification is achieved by bringing your vaccination record to a campus COVID-19 testing location, consistent with the process to opt out of weekly testing. Individuals who have already opted out of testing through vaccination verification will be sent an email with more information. In July a more comprehensive system will be rolled out as part of the vaccination policy, which will allow employees to upload their vaccination record and link it with the clearance certificate associated with the symptom monitoring survey.
- When in classrooms, libraries, or other indoor assembly spaces, face masks are required for everyone, unless there is an established verification process at the location, in which case vaccinated individuals will have the option of not wearing a face mask. Check with the specific location for any applicable rules.
Campus visitors and physical distancing
- The campus is now open to the general public.
- Density restrictions on campus have been lifted.
- Physical distancing is no longer required, except for certain situations including unvaccinated employees with mask-related accommodations, or when performing tasks that cannot be done with a face cover, or for workplace outbreaks.
Meetings, events and gatherings
- Restrictions on meetings have been lifted. Meetings are now allowed on campus with masking requirements for unvaccinated participants.
- Events and gatherings are allowed on campus in alignment with guidance set forth by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH), which includes a mask requirement for large events where vaccination status cannot be determined. These no longer require prior approval from UCLA Environmental Health & Safety.
For complete details related to these new campus protocols and others, please see the UCLA Summary of COVID-19 Mitigation Requirements (PDF) and the UCLA Safer Return to Work/COVID-19 Prevention Program (PDF) . Other COVID-19 information and updates for campus can be found on UCLA’s COVID-19 resources website.
Many of us have been eagerly anticipating this progress and the easing of restrictions. This is the result of continued and committed efforts made by our campus community to protect ourselves and others by getting fully vaccinated and respecting the ongoing guidance and advice provided by scientific and medical experts and local, state and federal public health officials.
Thank you to everyone who has been part of this success. We wish you a wonderful start to the summer as we look ahead to a successful phased return to campus in the weeks and months to come.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Michael Meranze
Immediate Past Chair, UCLA Academic Senate
Professor of History
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force