Training required on COVID-19 for all employees
Office of the Administrative Vice Chancellor and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
To: Faculty, Staff and Student Employees
UCLA leadership remains committed to the safety and well-being of our campus community. Over the next few months, we anticipate that more employees will begin a gradual return to working on campus or in other UCLA facilities as we continue to manage through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Those who are returning to campus, and those who are already on site, will notice a number of measures that have been put in place to minimize the spread of infection and keep our workplaces safer for you and your colleagues. Some of these actions will require your active engagement; a safer work environment is only possible when everyone participates.
Prior to returning to campus to work, UCLA faculty, staff, student employees and volunteers will be required to complete an online course called “Returning to Work on Campus.” This requirement applies to all employees other than UCLA Health employees.
The 12-minute online course will provide information on UCLA’s COVID-19 guidelines and shared responsibilities, as well as strategies for limiting the spread of the disease. Everyone who is required to complete the course online will receive an email invitation with a link to the Campus Learning Management System. Staff and volunteers who do not have a campus email account will receive hard copies of the materials with instructions on how to complete the course.
Department heads are responsible for tracking the training completion for their workgroups. Campus Human Resources Training and Development can assist with documentation of course completion for those not taking the course online.
Please note: Employees who are already working on campus must complete the training by July 31. For all other employees, the course must be completed before you return to work on campus or in other UCLA facilities, or by December 31, whichever occurs first.
If you have questions about the course requirement, please contact Environment, Health & Safety Training at training@ehs.ucla.edu. If you need assistance with the Learning Management System or documenting the completion of the offline course, please email training@chr.ucla.edu.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Michael S. Levine
Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel