UC announces COVID-19 vaccination requirements
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Bruin Community:
The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) announced today that it is finalizing a policy that will require all UC faculty, staff, academic appointees and students to be vaccinated against COVID-19, subject to narrow medical exemptions and accommodations based on disability or religious belief. Vaccinations must take place at least two weeks prior to the fall term, including for those already on campus performing essential functions. This decision follows UCOP’s announcement of the proposed vaccination policy in April and the conclusion of a public comment period.
Vaccination is essential to protect the health and safety of the UCLA community and will facilitate our return to greater in-person campus operations . UCOP has informed us that the final vaccination policy will be issued by July 15 and we expect systems to be in place by that time so that UC faculty, staff and students can begin the process of providing proof of vaccination. Additional information about how to request exemptions will also be available by July 15. Those with approved exemptions or accommodations will be required to be masked in spaces designated in the final policy and to participate in COVID-19 testing at least weekly.
UCOP is alerting campuses now so that members of our community can make time to schedule and receive their vaccinations. Policy enforcement measures will be implemented to ensure compliance with vaccination requirements and to support campus safety for all.
UCLA is supporting this effort in a variety of ways. Faculty and staff can schedule vaccination appointments through Occupational Health Services. The Arthur Ashe Student Health Center anticipates being able to provide vaccines to students who need them in early August, and more information will be shared with students soon. UCLA Health continues to offer vaccination appointments to their patients through My UCLA Health , and community members can also book an appointment through California’s My Turn or through a vaccine provider. Those outside of California should check with their local health departments about appointments, and we encourage international students to get vaccinated through the systems in place in their countries.
For questions about this new policy, please write to covid19@ucla.edu. Thank you for doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep our community healthy.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, Response and Recovery Task Force
Michael Meranze
Immediate Past Chair, UCLA Academic Senate
Professor of History
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force